Category Archives: General Information

Who Pays the Real Estate Agent

Most home buyers and sellers work with a real estate agent, and the agent charges a commission. How much is the commission, and who pays it? The answer in both cases is: the terms are set in the listing contract the seller signs. Typically the buyer and the seller each have their own agent, and the […]

Life Expectancy of Common Household Items

Many factors affect the life expectancy of housing components and need to be considered when making replacement decisions, including the quality of the components, the quality of their installation, their level of maintenance, weather and climatic conditions, and intensity of their use. Some components remain functional but become obsolete because of changing styles and tastes […]

FOMO Drives Young Buyers Toward Ownership

They’re landing better jobs and higher salaries. They’re getting married and having kids. And some are just tired of living in their parents’ basements. Now, here’s another reason Millennials are itching to buy a house: They see photos of homes on Instagram and Facebook that their friends bought, and think: “What about me”? This “FOMO”  — fear […]